Write about the beach: your favorite memory of a trip, what you love, what you hate. Would you live on the coast if you could, or is it better just for a visit?

I don’t think we have ever been on a family vacation not to the beach. It’s mostly because my mom loves the beach, but we all secretly love it too. We have been to beaches in North and South Carolina and Florida. This past summer, we took a trip to Rhode Island for my cousin’s wedding.

My favorite thing about the beach is the waves. I love giant waves that knock you down if you’re not prepared for them. My favorite thing to do is to ride waves all the way to the shore. This doesn’t happen for me very often, but there is usually one “perfect wave”. My dad is really good at it. He says I could go farther if I put my head under, but I don’t want to get the saltwater up my nose.


My favorite trip to the beach was when we went to Myrtle Beach. It was very hot that summer and the waves were huge. We stayed at a Christian campground with friends. I think that vacations are more fun with friends, but we don’t do that very much. I think I’ll do that when I have a family.


Besides getting sea water in my nose, I don’t like the sand. It gets everywhere. It also bothers me that I can never get all of it off my feet. After vacation, the carpet of our car is full of sand.

Every time we go to the beach, my dad and I fill a water bottle full of sand and water to take home. I brought home a jar of Rhode Island water, but I dumped it because it smelled bad and wasn’t very pretty.

When I go to the beach, I like to imagine living there. I would love to be able to go sit on the beach to read or eat. I’m torn though, because I would also like to live in the city. I want to visit Los Angeles before I decide.


What is your favorite memory of the beach? What do you love about it? Would you rather take a trip somewhere else? Respond with a comment!

New House!

My family just moved into a new house, and I’m very excited! I’m still at school, but when I go home I get to design my room.

I’ve already painted the walls gray with one white wall. I saw pictures online that had the walls like that, and I really like it. And I like how it turned out!

tumblr_inline_ncxhsnwvEP1s6lw3t tumblr_mpyt796CKr1sw0r12o1_500(LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE PICTURES ON THE WALL. I WANT TO DO THAT)

I am in a History of Graphic Design class, and I really like some of the posters we are learning about.


I will also probably print out pictures of my friends to hang on the wall.


I love hanging things on the wall. I’ve been hanging posters ever since I can remember. Posters from magazines (Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, and there are still some One Direction pictures on my wall) or regular pictures. Blank walls are strange to me.

IMG_4029(this was my room at school last year)

My roommate also put me in charge of decorating our apartment living room next year, and that’s exciting. I’ll probably look around during the summer for cool posters to hang.

Here’s a picture of my new room–I’m not moved in yet. 🙂


5 Beauty Products I Can’t Live Without

Life Currently

While I believe that au naturel is the best, I think that makeup is more of a self-expression, an art and a hobby that must not be looked down upon. I admit, though, that during my younger years, I judged my peers who used beauty products. I had these schema planted in my brain that makeup equates to being maarte, high-maintenance, show-off and all of the narcissistic adjectives you could think of. Growing up, I realized that there is really nothing wrong about wanting to use beauty products. People have different ways of expressing themselves, and some just happen to channel it through makeup.

I certainly am not a beauty junkie, and would consider myself a late bloomer among my peers. My interest in makeup started after my 18th birthday when someone gifted me a Benefit Primping With The Stars deluxe sample set. Right of the bat, I KNEW I NEEDED to…

View original post 922 more words

Acai Bowls??!?

While I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, I saw multiple posts that had a beautiful bowl of fruit, nuts, and seeds and it was all lined up so perfectly.

I had never heard of this? Acai Bowls? What?


So I did some research, and I’m still not really sure. But, now I know that it’s a smoothie in a bowl and it comes from acai fruit.

Well actually, I guess that’s all there is to it. But it still sounds difficult and a lot of work to just eat it when you’re done.


This breakfast is from Brazil. The frozen puree of acai fruit is sold here in the U.S., but only in certain whole foods stores, or online. If I have to order food online to be delivered in the mail, that’s too much.

Also I’ve read that it’s hard to get the acai to the right consistency. Scoopable, but no chunks.

And then all of the toppings that make it look pretty. Here are some things you can include in your acai bowl:

  • Granola, seeds, and nuts.
  • Sliced fruit. Kiwi, strawberry, banana, passionfruit, or anything!
  • Honey or Agave for natural sweetener. 


There are endless possibilities for toppings. Also, it’s pronounced a-sigh-ee. Don’t worry, I was saying it wrong too.



Nihki’s 2015 Spring Fashion Lookbook

by: Nihki F | Fashion and Style Expert Contributor

The weather is getting warm and fashionista’s all over the world our showing off very chic,

sexy, daring to be different fashion trends.

O-ff-the-shoulder silk tops and dresses are making a comeback. With every new

season we grow more and more accustomed to seeing the runways brim with endless

inspiration. And as the fashion begin to take shape, we know what to expect for all the

past themes and modern tales to be weaved anew by the bold, the sultry, the retro and

the impossibly feminine motifs gracing the catwalk year after year.

For spring / summer 2015, count on a romantic breeze to gently wash over your

wardrobe, to take you back in time, and to sweep your off your feet with the daintiest of

details. Look ahead to a fresh set of prints, to…

View original post 37 more words




I came across this Popsugar article about beach waves and I thought I would share it with you! It talks about how hairstylist Anh Co Tran transforms the hair of many women–many that are celebrities. He has different methods of styling hair, like cutting the hair when it’s dry and incorporating a “soft undercut”, which according to Anh is a way of adding movement to hair and thinning it out without using actual thinning scissors.

He may have different methods, but every haircut he gives is essentially the same.


I love this hairstyle! I think it’s so pretty and it looks easy-breezy. When I do my hair in waves, I try to give it more volume because my hair is thin. Also, I use a flat iron to do my waves. I move the flat iron in a zig-zag motion, and it seems to work. Anh Co Tran said that he uses a curling iron or rod and alternates the wave. Also, he said to leave the end of your hair out if you’re using a curling iron. I need to try this! I’m a little scared of curling irons, and I don’t know where to find a curling rod. But I’ve always wanted one; they look like so much fun to use.


In the article, it says all you need to achieve this look is the curling iron, salt or texturing spray, and dry shampoo. It doesn’t seem too hard, but I also don’t have a professional hairstylist to do my hair.